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- 125 kHz EM card reader
- Indoors and outdoors
- Reading distance: up to 12 cm.
- Constructed in plastic
- LED bulb: Red, green and orange
- Color: Black or gray
- Be aware that when installing the reader directly on a metal surface, it will reduce the reading distance.
- For installations on a metal surface, place a non-metallic 10 mm thick spacer (a plastic / plasterboard, etc.) between the reader and the bearing structure.
- For installations with two readers for mounting on both sides of the same wall and aligned along the same geometric axis, place a metal plate between them and ensure that neither of the two readers has direct contact with the plate (allow min. 10 mm space). Nevertheless, reading distance will be reduced.
- For the best result, proximity readers are mounted at least 0.5 m apart.